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Eskiden Osmanlı Devletine Bağlı Olan 64 Ülke
Starting from the early 17th century, the Ottoman fleet began to venture into the Atlantic Ocean (earlier, Kemal Reis had sailed to the Canary Islands in 1501, while the fleet of Murat Reis the Elder had captured Lanzarote of the Canary Islands in 1585). In 1617 the Ottoman fleet captured Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean, before raiding Sussex, Plymouth, Devon, Hartland Point, Cornwall and the other counties of western England in August 1625. In 1627 Ottoman naval ships, accompanied by Barbary corsairs under the leadership of Murat Reis the Younger, captured the Isle of Lundy in the Bristol Channel, which served as the main base for Ottoman naval and privateering operations in the North Atlantic for the next five years. They raided the Shetland Islands, Faroe Islands, Denmark-Norway, Iceland and Vestmannaeyjar. Between 1627 and 1631 the same Ottoman force also raided the coasts of Ireland and Sweden. Ottoman ships later appeared off the eastern coasts of North America, particularly being sighted at the English colonies like Newfoundland and Virginia.
biraz bakınınca şunu buldum. türkçe kaynak eksikliği ciddi sıkıntı ya, hele de böyle çok araştırılmayan konularda filan. ve cidden bir hakimiyet kurma olayı varmış, kısa süreli de olsa. donanmaya yatırım yapılsa çok daha farklı olabilirmiş durum aslında o yıllarda.
tek bulamadığım japonya idi, ona da bir bakarım. teşekkür ettim bu tartışma için :)